Drawing Workshops

every artist was first an amateur

Drawing is a process that involves experimentation, creativity, individual vision of objects. It is in the process of working on a drawing that a child learns to perceive his mistakes – but as a chance to create something new and unique.

This approach helps the artist to become liberated, to become independent and more successful.

The process of creating a picture allows a person to feel himself not as a “grain of sand”, but as a creator, which favorably affects his self-esteem and self-identification.

Drawing lessons sharjah

Magic of drawing

During art classes child develops spatial intelligence and imagination. In the process of work, the child receives a real result – a drawing. This teaches him goal-setting and forms an orientation towards effective activity.

Release of emotions

Through the drawing, the child expresses himself, projects his psychological state onto the paper.

Drawing is considered to be a calming and peaceful activity. It is especially useful to draw for children prone to whims, depression and neuroses.

Systematic painting lessons teach the child to structure time, develop perseverance, and form discipline.

Through painting, children learn to creatively comprehend the world around them and understand that each person has his own perception of reality, sees objects and phenomena in his own way.